Science Lab
The Science Lab

The Science Laboratory at the school has Chemistry, Physics, Biology and General Science departments with all the necessary equipments.
The students of class 1 or 2 are also taken to the lab by teachers for condcuting experiments related to their course work. Mr. Ronald Naeem is an expert lab incharge who trains the students for conducting experiments. The school’s science laboratory is also maintained according to the requirements of “O” and “A” level students.
Every year when students have to appear for the final examinations, the school arranges special practice sessions for the students. Every year the school also prepares the students to construct science models for the science exhibition and presentations. They discuss about their models in groups. The school also arranges science trips for the students to enhance their knowledge.
The students can come any time for practice, practicals preparation and to get practical information related to subjects such as Chemistry, Physics, Biology and General Science.
Equipments in Lab
Microscopes, over head projectors, photometer, Petri dishes, fractional weight, sand bath, prism, D.C power, lens stand, galvanometer, resistance box, wires with keys, calorimeter, etc. Equipments related to Biology, Chemistry and Physics are as follows;
i). Chemistry Equipments
Beakers, droppers, graduated cylinders, pippets, test tube holders, flask (round & flat bottom), cork, glass tube, test tubes, funnels, conical flask, woulf bottles, gas jars, tri-pod stands, iron stand, fusion tube, Capillary tube, Bunsen burners, spirit lamp, china dish, thistle funnel, stirrer, grinders, water bath, thermometer, burettes, wash bottles, test tube stand, wire guaze, filter paper, indicator paper, litmus paper blue, litmus paper red, trough, lids of gas jars and analytical balance.
Sulphuric acid, benzene, hydrochloric acid, hydrogen peroxide, chloroform, ammonium hydroxide, phenolphalein, ammonium chloride, potassium chlorate, potassium dichromate, ferric chloride, ferrous sulphate, cadium chloride, potassium permagnate, calcium chloride, acetic acid, silver nitrate, calcium hydroxide, manganese dioxide, lead nitrate, lead acetate, potassium permagnate, sodium sulphate, potassium sulphate, sodium bicarbonate, sodium carbonate, sulphur, copper sulphate, zinc sulphate, iron dust, lilric acid, methyl orange, iodine solution and acetone.

ii). Biology Equipments
Eye, brain, kidneys (excretory system), intestine (digestive system), lungs (respiratory system), insectivorous plants, DNA molecules, ear and heart.
Phylum Protozoa, paramecium, euglena, amoeba, mitosis & meiosis, chlamydomonas, algae, fungi (rhizopus), , arthropoda (culex female), dicot root, stem, leaf, epithelial cells, funaria, , rhizopus, human small intestine, frog blood, human and mushroom.
Lizards, frog, earthworm, prawns, cockroach, leach, sea horse, sea urchin star fish, butterfly, grass hopper, lobster, liver fluke, ascaris, sea muscle, mushroom and polytrichum.
iii). Physics Equipments
Prism, stop watch, micrometer, meter rod, Vernier calipers, glass slabs, metallic bob, weight box, wooden wedge, mirror strips, helical spring, rubber pad, common pins, ammeter, voltmeter, keys & comnecting, bar magnet, fixed pullies, wooden slab, fixed or gate, and gate, rheostat, ammeter & microammeter, bulb, battery and lens.